Surgical dermatology procedures and minimally invasive treatments can improve the health, function and appearance of your skin. This includes removal of benign lesions for cosmetic purposes and treatment of skin cancers with aesthetic reconstruction.
How we can help
If you have concerns about a new, changing or bothersome lesion on your skin and wish for a diagnosis and guidance on best management, please arrange a consultation with one of our Consultants. Ben and James are adept at all aspects of skin surgery, including skin cancer management and reconstruction. As maxillofacial surgeons they are specialised to treat the face, head and neck. They have a combined experience of well over 2000 skin surgery cases, with an emphasis on adopting an anatomically sensitive approach and achieving excellent aesthetic results.
About the procedure
Skin surgery is normally performed under local anaesthetic in one of our modern and well-equipped treatment rooms. Procedures generally take less than an hour and recovery is quick. You would usually have a protective dressing applied and if stitches are used, they may be dissolvable or require removal after an advised timeframe. If lesions are removed, they will typically be sent for histological examination under a microscope and it would usually take one week for the results to become available. Postoperative risks are generally very minimal and will be discussed in detail at your pre-operative consultation.
The Procedures
Mole, Cyst & Tag Removal
Over time, irregularities in the skin cells can cause a mole, tag or lump to develop. These are usually benign but may require removal for cosmetic purposes, and confirmatory analysis with a microscope. This procedure can be performed simply under local anaesthetic with quick postoperative recovery and excellent aesthetic outcomes.
Skin Cancer Surgery
Skin cancer is becoming more common. It is important to have a skin check should you be concerned about a new area on the skin which looks different, bleeds, itches or changes in any way. The most common forms of skin cancer are Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) and Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) and are usually curable with surgical excision. Mr Gurney and Mr Sloane are specifically trained to diagnose and treat skin cancer of the face, head and neck with an emphasis on cosmesis. As maxillofacial surgeons trained in facial plastic surgical techniques, they also provide a broad range of reconstruction options which may involve local skin flaps or grafts.
Melanoma Surgery
Melanoma is a serious form of skin cancer that begins in the pigment forming cells of the skin, the melanocytes. While it is less common than many other skin cancers, it is more dangerous as it can spread to other parts of the body if not treated early. The treatment options for melanoma have vastly improved in recent years, and both Mr Gurney and Mr Sloane meet weekly with colleagues from other specialties such as radiology, pathology and oncology to provide comprehensive regional multidisciplinary care to give patients with melanoma the very best treatment. Melanomas often require surgical excision with very precise margins, and this may require reconstruction. Surgical analysis of the lymph nodes with Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy is an additional technique which may be offered for melanoma. Emphasis is placed on supportive, informed and efficiently provided care.
Scar Revision
Most wounds whether surgical or traumatic tend to heal well over the longer term with minimal scarring, but some scars occasionally don’t settle and become raised, unsightly or disfiguring. Although a scar cannot be completely erased, it can often be significantly improved. This might involve further topical treatments, minimally invasive treatments or surgical revision for the best result.
Laser Surgery
Laser surgery can be a superior option to conventional surgical techniques for specific cases. It is particularly useful for removal of vascular lesions, resurfacing of the skin, removing sunspots or removal of some intraoral irregular areas and Mr Gurney and Mr Sloane are both trained in operating with several types of laser, including CO2 and KTP.
Botox & Fillers
Botox injections work by relaxing specific muscles in the face to stop lines and wrinkles from forming and giving a more youthful appearance. The most common areas to treat are the frown lines, forehead lines and crows feet around the eyes. Botox is also very effective in the treatment of myofacial pain in the jaw muscles, tension headaches and overly productive saliva glands. Very fine needles are used to minimise discomfort and the treatment is very quick and easy for patients.
Hyaluronic acid fillers are different to Botox and are used to fill and volumise areas on the face, as well as induce collagen production. Mr Gurney and Mr Sloane use contemporary fillers for the very best results.
Profhilo is a very pure injectable hyaluronic acid that can be used to treat skin laxity by stimulating collagen and elastin production. Used at specific points on the face it can hydrate the skin, remodel, tighten and lift the tissues to give a rejuvenated look. It may be used on its own or in combination with Botox and other fillers. Treatment is quick and normally offered as a course of 2 treatments, 4 weeks apart for maximum results.